path: root/mapper.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mapper.go')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mapper.go b/mapper.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c3cdab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mapper.go
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "fmt"
+ "gopher-scan/scream"
+ "regexp"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/lxn/walk"
+ "github.com/lxn/walk/declarative"
+// MapperScan struct mapper setting
+type MapperScan struct {
+ StrPort int
+ MasgUDP []byte
+ EndPort, Gortin, TmOut int
+ Connection bool
+ HostStr string
+func runMapperDlg(owner walk.Form, defaultip string) (int, error) {
+ var guimapview struct {
+ dlg *walk.Dialog
+ startsPB, cancelPB *walk.PushButton
+ valueEdit, pEdi *walk.NumberEdit
+ dbinder *walk.DataBinder
+ endEdit, strEdit *walk.NumberEdit
+ slv, slx *walk.Slider
+ mesgToUDPService *walk.Composite
+ mapLineEd, mapUDPmsg, stsLine *walk.LineEdit
+ rsltTextBox *walk.TextEdit
+ progsMapperBar *walk.ProgressBar
+ resultGrpBox, optionGrpBox *walk.GroupBox
+ stopscan int8
+ }
+ const regexSingle = `^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$|^(([a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z]{1}[0-9]{1})|([0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]))\.([a-zA-Z]{2,6}|[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,30}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3})$`
+ settmapin := &MapperScan{
+ Gortin: 32,
+ TmOut: 1000,
+ Connection: false,
+ StrPort: 20,
+ EndPort: 80,
+ HostStr: defaultip,
+ }
+ return declarative.Dialog{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.dlg,
+ FixedSize: true,
+ Title: "IP Scanner Port Mapper",
+ DefaultButton: &guimapview.startsPB,
+ CancelButton: &guimapview.cancelPB,
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 560, Height: 350},
+ Layout: declarative.VBox{},
+ OnSizeChanged: func() {
+ },
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.optionGrpBox,
+ Title: "Port Mapper Settings",
+ Layout: declarative.VBox{},
+ DataBinder: declarative.DataBinder{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.dbinder,
+ Name: "Settmapin",
+ DataSource: settmapin,
+ ErrorPresenter: declarative.ToolTipErrorPresenter{},
+ },
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.Composite{
+ Layout: declarative.HBox{},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ Title: "Host Address To Scan",
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 1},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.LineEdit{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.mapLineEd,
+ ToolTipText: "format: IPv4|Domain",
+ CueBanner: "IPv4 Or Domain To Scan ...",
+ Text: settmapin.HostStr,
+ OnEditingFinished: func() {
+ settmapin.HostStr = guimapview.mapLineEd.Text()
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.RadioButtonGroupBox{
+ Title: "Port Type To Scan",
+ Layout: declarative.HBox{},
+ DataMember: "Connection",
+ Buttons: []declarative.RadioButton{
+ {MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 60}, Text: "TCP", Value: false, OnClicked: func() { guimapview.mesgToUDPService.SetVisible(false) }},
+ {MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 60}, Text: "UDP", Value: true, OnClicked: func() { guimapview.mesgToUDPService.SetVisible(true) }},
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ Title: "Port Range To Scan",
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 4},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.NumberEdit{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.strEdit,
+ MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 45},
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 45},
+ Value: declarative.Bind("StrPort"),
+ MinValue: 1,
+ MaxValue: 65535,
+ OnValueChanged: func() {
+ settmapin.StrPort = int(guimapview.strEdit.Value())
+ guimapview.endEdit.SetRange(guimapview.strEdit.Value(), 65535)
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.Label{
+ Text: "To:",
+ },
+ declarative.NumberEdit{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.endEdit,
+ MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 45},
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 45},
+ Value: declarative.Bind("EndPort"),
+ MaxValue: 65535,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.Composite{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.mesgToUDPService,
+ Visible: false,
+ Layout: declarative.HBox{},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ Title: "Message To Send To UDP Services",
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 1},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.LineEdit{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.mapUDPmsg,
+ ToolTipText: "because UDP protocol is connection-less, mapper can't actually determine if port is open or not\nso we have to send something to UDP ports and wait for response, if nothing came back, either port is close or UDP service is not interested in our message.",
+ CueBanner: "Base64 txt message ...",
+ Text: settmapin.MasgUDP,
+ OnEditingFinished: func() {
+ settmapin.MasgUDP = []byte(guimapview.mapUDPmsg.Text())
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.Composite{
+ Layout: declarative.HBox{},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ Title: "Scan Timeout",
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 3},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.Label{
+ Text: "Timeoute:",
+ },
+ declarative.Slider{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.slx,
+ Value: declarative.Bind("TmOut"),
+ MaxValue: 8192,
+ MinValue: 10,
+ RowSpan: 2,
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 130},
+ ToolTipText: "Timeout in milliseconds",
+ OnValueChanged: func() {
+ settmapin.TmOut = guimapview.slx.Value()
+ guimapview.pEdi.SetValue(float64(settmapin.TmOut))
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.NumberEdit{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.pEdi,
+ Value: declarative.Bind("TmOut", declarative.Range{Min: 10, Max: 8192}),
+ MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 45},
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 35},
+ OnValueChanged: func() {
+ settmapin.TmOut = int(guimapview.pEdi.Value())
+ guimapview.slx.SetValue(int(settmapin.TmOut))
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ Title: "Performace Setting",
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 3},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.Label{
+ Text: "Threads:",
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 48},
+ },
+ declarative.Slider{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.slv,
+ Value: declarative.Bind("Gortin"),
+ MaxValue: 256,
+ MinValue: 8,
+ RowSpan: 2,
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 130},
+ ToolTipText: "Number of threads (GreenThreads)",
+ OnValueChanged: func() {
+ settmapin.Gortin = guimapview.slv.Value()
+ guimapview.valueEdit.SetValue(float64(settmapin.Gortin))
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.NumberEdit{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.valueEdit,
+ MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 45},
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 35},
+ Value: declarative.Bind("Gortin", declarative.Range{Min: 8, Max: 256}),
+ OnValueChanged: func() {
+ settmapin.Gortin = int(guimapview.valueEdit.Value())
+ guimapview.slv.SetValue(settmapin.Gortin)
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.resultGrpBox,
+ Visible: false,
+ Title: "Port Scan Results",
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 1},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.TextEdit{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.rsltTextBox,
+ VScroll: true,
+ ReadOnly: true,
+ Background: declarative.SolidColorBrush{Color: 1513239},
+ TextColor: 31248,
+ },
+ declarative.ProgressBar{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.progsMapperBar,
+ MinValue: 0,
+ MaxValue: 100,
+ ToolTipText: "Progress Bar",
+ MaxSize: declarative.Size{Height: 19},
+ Visible: false,
+ },
+ declarative.LineEdit{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.stsLine,
+ Visible: false,
+ ReadOnly: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.Composite{
+ Layout: declarative.HBox{},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.HSpacer{},
+ declarative.PushButton{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.startsPB,
+ Text: "Start Scan",
+ OnClicked: func() {
+ if guimapview.stopscan == 0 {
+ if err := guimapview.dbinder.Submit(); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if settmapin.HostStr == "" {
+ guimapview.mapLineEd.SetFocus()
+ return
+ }
+ if match, _ := regexp.MatchString(regexSingle, settmapin.HostStr); !match {
+ walk.MsgBox(guimapview.dlg, "Host syntax error", "Invalid IPv4 or Domain address, format: IPv4|Domain\nExample: slc.snix.ir", walk.MsgBoxIconError)
+ return
+ }
+ guimapview.stopscan = 1
+ guimapview.startsPB.SetText("Stop Scan")
+ if settmapin.Connection {
+ var err error
+ settmapin.MasgUDP, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(settmapin.MasgUDP))
+ if err != nil {
+ walk.MsgBox(guimapview.dlg, "Base64 Error", "Error in Decoding base64 message", walk.MsgBoxIconError)
+ }
+ }
+ var portlist []int
+ var jobdn, lenopen int
+ for i := settmapin.StrPort; i <= settmapin.EndPort; i++ {
+ portlist = append(portlist, i)
+ }
+ guimapview.optionGrpBox.SetVisible(false)
+ guimapview.resultGrpBox.SetVisible(true)
+ guimapview.progsMapperBar.SetVisible(true)
+ guimapview.stsLine.SetVisible(true)
+ guimapview.rsltTextBox.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Starting Mapper (gips.snix.ir) at %v Interesting ports on %v --- %v\r\nPORT\t\tSTATE\t\tSERVICE\r\n", time.Now(), settmapin.HostStr, oprationStat(settmapin.HostStr)))
+ ch := make(chan scream.ScanResults)
+ go scream.CustomPscan(settmapin.HostStr, time.Duration(settmapin.TmOut)*time.Millisecond, int64(settmapin.Gortin), portlist, settmapin.MasgUDP, settmapin.Connection, ch)
+ go func() {
+ for i := range ch {
+ if statpx, numb := i.StatInfo(); statpx {
+ lenopen++
+ guimapview.rsltTextBox.SetText(guimapview.rsltTextBox.Text() + fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v\t\t%v\t\t%v\r\n", numb, i.SigPort(), "open", i.PortInfo()))
+ }
+ jobdn++
+ prcstatus := 100 - (float64(len(portlist)-jobdn)/float64(len(portlist)))*float64(100)
+ guimapview.progsMapperBar.SetValue(int(prcstatus))
+ guimapview.stsLine.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Progress: %.2f%%\t\tTotal: %v\t\tChecked: %v\t\tOpen: %v", prcstatus, len(portlist), jobdn, lenopen))
+ }
+ guimapview.stopscan = 2
+ guimapview.startsPB.SetText("Back To Scan")
+ guimapview.startsPB.SetEnabled(true)
+ guimapview.progsMapperBar.SetVisible(false)
+ guimapview.stsLine.SetVisible(false)
+ guimapview.progsMapperBar.SetValue(0)
+ guimapview.stsLine.SetText("Progress: 0\t\tTotal: 0\t\tChecked: 0\t\tOpen: 0")
+ }()
+ } else if guimapview.stopscan == 1 {
+ scream.StopChan <- struct{}{}
+ guimapview.startsPB.SetEnabled(false)
+ } else {
+ guimapview.stopscan = 0
+ guimapview.optionGrpBox.SetVisible(true)
+ guimapview.resultGrpBox.SetVisible(false)
+ guimapview.startsPB.SetText("Start Scan")
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.PushButton{
+ AssignTo: &guimapview.cancelPB,
+ Text: "Close",
+ OnClicked: func() { guimapview.dlg.Cancel() },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }.Run(owner)
+func oprationStat(addr string) string {
+ ipv4add, reptime, err := scream.PingHost(addr, 1)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Host %v Latency: %v", ipv4add, err)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Host %v Latency: %v", ipv4add, reptime)

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