path: root/sshwincs.go
diff options
authorGogs <gogs@fake.local>2020-09-22 20:02:53 +0330
committerGogs <gogs@fake.local>2020-09-22 20:02:53 +0330
commit5504c0d3e5a9e3468848efe73722e5c3620e0eff (patch)
tree742aebe4a349c47aa3087eedf83559b25295fe83 /sshwincs.go
push main branch
Diffstat (limited to 'sshwincs.go')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sshwincs.go b/sshwincs.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..383031e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sshwincs.go
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "regexp"
+ "github.com/lxn/walk"
+ "github.com/lxn/walk/declarative"
+// RemoteSSHShell struct type to store ssh data
+type RemoteSSHShell struct {
+ AuthMthd int
+ HostAddr string
+ HostPort int
+ PreVTKEY string // private key path
+ PassPhrase string
+ PassWord string
+ UserName string
+func startSSHsession(owner walk.Form, sendipaddr string) (int, error) {
+ const regexSingle = `^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$|^(([a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z]{1}[0-9]{1})|([0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z]{1})|([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-_]{1,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]))\.([a-zA-Z]{2,6}|[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,30}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3})$`
+ var sshClientguiwindow struct {
+ dlgSSHAccwin *walk.Dialog
+ dbindersshx *walk.DataBinder
+ acceptPB, cancelPB *walk.PushButton
+ mapLineEd, pkLineEd, pKandPHm *walk.LineEdit
+ passGBOXm, pKeyGBOXm *walk.GroupBox
+ }
+ sshstatset := &RemoteSSHShell{
+ AuthMthd: 1,
+ HostPort: 22,
+ UserName: "root",
+ HostAddr: sendipaddr,
+ }
+ return declarative.Dialog{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.dlgSSHAccwin,
+ FixedSize: true,
+ Title: "SSH Client",
+ DefaultButton: &sshClientguiwindow.acceptPB,
+ CancelButton: &sshClientguiwindow.cancelPB,
+ DataBinder: declarative.DataBinder{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.dbindersshx,
+ Name: "sshClient",
+ DataSource: sshstatset,
+ ErrorPresenter: declarative.ToolTipErrorPresenter{},
+ },
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 320, Height: 300},
+ Layout: declarative.VBox{},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ Title: "SSH Client Options",
+ Layout: declarative.HBox{},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.Composite{
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 1},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ Title: "Host Address To Connect",
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 4},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.LineEdit{
+ ToolTipText: "username for ssh connection",
+ CueBanner: "User",
+ MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 55},
+ Text: declarative.Bind("UserName"),
+ },
+ declarative.LineEdit{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.mapLineEd,
+ ToolTipText: "format: IP|Domain",
+ CueBanner: "IP or Domain",
+ Text: declarative.Bind("HostAddr"),
+ },
+ declarative.NumberEdit{
+ ToolTipText: "port number",
+ MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 40},
+ MinSize: declarative.Size{Width: 40},
+ Value: declarative.Bind("HostPort"),
+ MinValue: 1,
+ MaxValue: 65535,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.RadioButtonGroupBox{
+ Title: "Authentication",
+ Layout: declarative.HBox{},
+ DataMember: "AuthMthd",
+ Buttons: []declarative.RadioButton{
+ {MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 90}, Text: "Password", Value: 1, OnClicked: func() {
+ sshClientguiwindow.passGBOXm.SetVisible(true)
+ sshClientguiwindow.pKeyGBOXm.SetVisible(false)
+ sshClientguiwindow.pKandPHm.SetVisible(false)
+ }},
+ {MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 90}, Text: "PrivateK", Value: 2, OnClicked: func() {
+ sshClientguiwindow.passGBOXm.SetVisible(false)
+ sshClientguiwindow.pKeyGBOXm.SetVisible(true)
+ sshClientguiwindow.pKandPHm.SetVisible(false)
+ }},
+ {MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 90}, Text: "PK+PasPh", Value: 3, OnClicked: func() {
+ sshClientguiwindow.passGBOXm.SetVisible(false)
+ sshClientguiwindow.pKeyGBOXm.SetVisible(true)
+ sshClientguiwindow.pKandPHm.SetVisible(true)
+ }},
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.passGBOXm,
+ Title: "Login With Password",
+ Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 1},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.LineEdit{
+ CueBanner: "Password ...",
+ PasswordMode: true,
+ Text: declarative.Bind("PassWord"),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.GroupBox{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.pKeyGBOXm,
+ Title: "Login With Private Key",
+ Visible: false,
+ Layout: declarative.VBox{},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.LineEdit{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.pkLineEd,
+ CueBanner: "Private Key File Path ...",
+ ReadOnly: true,
+ Text: declarative.Bind("PreVTKEY"),
+ },
+ declarative.PushButton{
+ Text: "Open Key File",
+ ToolTipText: "open ssh key file",
+ OnClicked: func() {
+ filePth, err := openPkFile(sshClientguiwindow.dlgSSHAccwin)
+ if err != nil {
+ walk.MsgBox(sshClientguiwindow.dlgSSHAccwin, "OS file error", fmt.Sprint(err), walk.MsgBoxIconError)
+ return
+ }
+ sshClientguiwindow.pkLineEd.SetText(filePth)
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.LineEdit{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.pKandPHm,
+ CueBanner: "Passphrase for Key ...",
+ PasswordMode: true,
+ Text: declarative.Bind("PassPhrase"),
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.Composite{
+ Layout: declarative.HBox{},
+ Children: []declarative.Widget{
+ declarative.HSpacer{},
+ declarative.PushButton{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.acceptPB,
+ Text: "Connect",
+ OnClicked: func() {
+ if err := sshClientguiwindow.dbindersshx.Submit(); err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if sshstatset.HostAddr == "" {
+ sshClientguiwindow.mapLineEd.SetFocus()
+ return
+ }
+ if match, _ := regexp.MatchString(regexSingle, sshstatset.HostAddr); !match {
+ walk.MsgBox(sshClientguiwindow.dlgSSHAccwin, "Host syntax error", "Invalid IPv4 or Domain address, format: IPv4|Domain\nExample: slc.snix.ir", walk.MsgBoxIconError)
+ return
+ }
+ if exeErr := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "start",
+ os.Args[0],
+ "-auth", fmt.Sprint(sshstatset.AuthMthd),
+ "-addr", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", sshstatset.HostAddr, sshstatset.HostPort),
+ "-user", sshstatset.UserName,
+ "-pass", sshstatset.PassWord,
+ "-prvk", sshstatset.PreVTKEY,
+ "-prph", sshstatset.PassPhrase).Start(); exeErr != nil {
+ walk.MsgBox(sshClientguiwindow.dlgSSHAccwin, "Internal System Err", fmt.Sprintf("%v", exeErr), walk.MsgBoxIconError)
+ return
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ declarative.PushButton{
+ AssignTo: &sshClientguiwindow.cancelPB,
+ Text: "Cancel",
+ OnClicked: func() { sshClientguiwindow.dlgSSHAccwin.Cancel() },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }.Run(owner)
+func openPkFile(dlgwinad walk.Form) (string, error) {
+ openSSHfile := new(walk.FileDialog)
+ openSSHfile.Filter = "PEM Files (*.pem)|*.pem|All Files (*.*)|*.*"
+ openSSHfile.Title = "Open SSH Key File"
+ if okfile, err := openSSHfile.ShowOpen(dlgwinad); err != nil {
+ return openSSHfile.FilePath, err
+ } else if !okfile {
+ return openSSHfile.FilePath, err
+ }
+ return openSSHfile.FilePath, nil

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