package main import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/base64" "encoding/csv" "fmt" "gopher-scan/ifconfig" "gopher-scan/scream" "image/png" "net" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "runtime" "sort" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" ) const regexRange string = "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))$" // HostStruct data type type HostStruct struct { Mac string Cip string Opt string Ven string Let string Inf string checked bool } var exdata [][]string var mdata *VModel var imdone = make(chan int8, 32) var serachIndexCache serachIndexCacheType // VModel struct to show data in gui windows type VModel struct { walk.TableModelBase walk.SorterBase sortColumn int sortOrder walk.SortOrder items []*HostStruct } type serachIndexCacheType struct { search string indexs []int showit int64 } // SerIPscan ... struct for ipscanner settings type SerIPscan struct { GreenThreads, Ptime int Pscan1, Pscan2, Pscan3, Pscan4, Pscan5 scream.PortType SysIPrange []string NetBs, Pong, PscanTOF bool } var cachedSystemIconsForWidthAndDllIdx = make(map[widthAndDllIdx]*walk.Icon) type widthAndDllIdx struct { width int idx int32 dll string } var globalmaingui struct { pushBTS, pushDadd, pushSet, pushPause *walk.PushButton mainwindowsUI *walk.MainWindow statShowBox *walk.LineEdit lineEdite, srchBox *walk.LineEdit ipTB *walk.TableView saveCSV, saveTXT, mapperAC *walk.Action progsBar *walk.ProgressBar apipAdd, stSp, pScan bool } func startMainGUIWindows() { const ( mwsizew = 865 mwsizeh = 500 ) walk.AppendToWalkInit(func() { walk.InteractionEffect, _ = walk.NewDropShadowEffect(walk.RGB(63, 63, 63)) walk.ValidationErrorEffect, _ = walk.NewBorderGlowEffect(walk.RGB(255, 0, 0)) }) // default setting settings := &SerIPscan{GreenThreads: 32, Pscan1: scream.PortType{Nm: 80, Tp: "TCP"}, Pscan2: scream.PortType{Nm: 443, Tp: "TCP"}, Pscan3: scream.PortType{Nm: 22, Tp: "TCP"}, Pscan4: scream.PortType{Nm: 3389, Tp: "TCP"}, Pscan5: scream.PortType{Nm: 445, Tp: "TCP"}, SysIPrange: ifconfig.Getsysrange(false), PscanTOF: true, Ptime: 1, NetBs: true, Pong: true, } declarative.MainWindow{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, Visible: false, Title: "Gopher IP Scan", Layout: declarative.VBox{}, MenuItems: []declarative.MenuItem{ declarative.Menu{ Text: "&File", Items: []declarative.MenuItem{ declarative.Action{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.saveCSV, Text: "Save in CSV", Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 69, 16), OnTriggered: func() { if len(exdata) == 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Empty ip scan table", "please start scan to fill the table ...\nthen try to save data in a file", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } fdlg := new(walk.FileDialog) fdlg.Title = "Save To CSV File" fdlg.Filter = "Comma-separated values file (*.csv)" if ok, _ := fdlg.ShowSave(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI); !ok { return } if !strings.HasSuffix(fdlg.FilePath, ".csv") { fdlg.FilePath += ".csv" } saveInCSV(createosfile(fdlg.FilePath)) }, }, declarative.Action{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.saveTXT, Text: "Save in TXT", Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 258, 16), OnTriggered: func() { if len(exdata) == 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Empty ip scan table", "please start scan to fill the table ...\nthen try to save data in a file", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } fdlg := new(walk.FileDialog) fdlg.Title = "Save To TXT File" fdlg.Filter = "Text file (*.txt)" if ok, _ := fdlg.ShowSave(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI); !ok { return } if !strings.HasSuffix(fdlg.FilePath, ".txt") { fdlg.FilePath += ".txt" } saveInTXT(createosfile(fdlg.FilePath)) }, }, declarative.Separator{}, declarative.Action{ Text: "Exit (Alt+F4)", OnTriggered: func() { globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Close() }, Image: loadSystemIcon("netshell", 98, 16), }, }, }, declarative.Menu{ Text: "&Tools", Items: []declarative.MenuItem{ declarative.Action{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.mapperAC, Text: "Port Mapper", OnTriggered: func() { runMapperDlg(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "") }, Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 22, 16), }, declarative.Action{ Text: "Remote SSH", OnTriggered: func() { startSSHsession(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "") }, Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 24, 16), }, declarative.Action{ Text: "Wake On LAN", OnTriggered: func() { runWakeOnLanDg(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "", "") }, Image: loadSystemIcon("imageres", 96, 16), }, }, }, declarative.Menu{ Text: "&Help", Items: []declarative.MenuItem{ declarative.Action{ Text: "GitHub Page", Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 242, 16), OnTriggered: func() { win.ShellExecute(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Handle(), nil, windows.StringToUTF16Ptr(""), nil, nil, win.SW_SHOWNORMAL) }, }, declarative.Action{ Text: "Report a Bug", Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 242, 16), OnTriggered: func() { win.ShellExecute(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Handle(), nil, windows.StringToUTF16Ptr(""), nil, nil, win.SW_SHOWNORMAL) }, }, declarative.Action{ Text: "About GIPS...", Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 277, 16), OnTriggered: func() { runAboutDialog(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI) }, }, }, }, }, Children: []declarative.Widget{ declarative.GroupBox{ Title: "IP Scanner Actions", Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 4}, Children: []declarative.Widget{ declarative.PushButton{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.pushBTS, MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 100}, Text: " Start Scan", Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 137, 22), ToolTipText: "Start/Stop Scan", OnClicked: func() { if !globalmaingui.stSp { for _, i := range strings.Split(globalmaingui.lineEdite.Text(), ",") { if len(globalmaingui.lineEdite.Text()) == 0 { globalmaingui.lineEdite.SetFocus() return } if match, _ := regexp.MatchString(regexRange, i); !match { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "IP syntax error", "Invalid IPv4 address, format: IPv4/cidr,IPv4/cidr...\nExample:,", walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } } settings.SysIPrange = ifconfig.RemoveDuplicates(strings.Split(globalmaingui.lineEdite.Text(), ",")) globalmaingui.stSp = true mdata = new(VModel) globalmaingui.ipTB.SetModel(mdata) go scanstat(settings.SysIPrange) go settings.winscream() globalmaingui.pushBTS.SetText(" Stop Scan") globalmaingui.pushBTS.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("comres", 10, 22)) globalmaingui.progsBar.SetVisible(true) globalmaingui.statShowBox.SetVisible(true) globalmaingui.pushDadd.SetEnabled(false) globalmaingui.pushSet.SetEnabled(false) globalmaingui.pushPause.SetEnabled(true) globalmaingui.saveCSV.SetEnabled(false) globalmaingui.saveTXT.SetEnabled(false) globalmaingui.mapperAC.SetEnabled(false) globalmaingui.lineEdite.SetReadOnly(true) globalmaingui.srchBox.SetReadOnly(true) globalmaingui.srchBox.SetText("Search in Result...") serachIndexCache = serachIndexCacheType{} } else { globalmaingui.pushBTS.SetEnabled(false) globalmaingui.pushPause.SetEnabled(false) scream.StopChan <- struct{}{} } }, }, declarative.PushButton{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.pushPause, Enabled: false, Image: loadSystemIcon("comres", 5, 22), MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 100}, Text: " Pause Scan", ToolTipText: "Pause runing scan", OnClicked: func() { if !globalmaingui.pScan { globalmaingui.pushPause.SetEnabled(false) scream.PauseChan <- struct{}{} time.Sleep(time.Second) // too much click globalmaingui.pushPause.SetText(" Continue") globalmaingui.pScan = true globalmaingui.pushPause.SetEnabled(true) } else { globalmaingui.pushPause.SetEnabled(false) scream.ContChan <- struct{}{} time.Sleep(time.Second) // ... globalmaingui.pushPause.SetText(" Puase Scan") globalmaingui.pScan = false globalmaingui.pushPause.SetEnabled(true) } }, }, declarative.PushButton{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.pushSet, MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 100}, Image: loadSystemIcon("dsuiext", 35, 22), Text: " Edit Settings", ToolTipText: "Show IP scan settings", OnClicked: func() { runSettingsDG(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, settings) }, }, declarative.PushButton{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.pushDadd, MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 100}, Image: loadSystemIcon("shell32", 164, 22), Text: " IP Range", ToolTipText: "Also scan Apipa and ... default addresses", OnClicked: func() { if !globalmaingui.apipAdd { settings.SysIPrange = ifconfig.Getsysrange(true) globalmaingui.lineEdite.SetText(fancyiprange(settings.SysIPrange)) globalmaingui.apipAdd = true globalmaingui.pushDadd.SetText(" Del IP Range") return } settings.SysIPrange = ifconfig.Getsysrange(false) globalmaingui.lineEdite.SetText(fancyiprange(settings.SysIPrange)) globalmaingui.apipAdd = false globalmaingui.pushDadd.SetText(" IP Range") }, }, }, }, declarative.GroupBox{ Title: "IPv4 Range To Scan", Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 2}, Children: []declarative.Widget{ declarative.LineEdit{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.lineEdite, Text: fancyiprange(settings.SysIPrange), ToolTipText: "format: IPv4/cidr,IPv4/cidr,IPv4/cidr...", CueBanner: "IPv4/cidr Network To Scan ... Example:,,", }, declarative.LineEdit{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.srchBox, CueBanner: "Search in Result...", ToolTipText: "press enter to find next", MaxSize: declarative.Size{Width: 180}, OnKeyPress: func(key walk.Key) { if key == walk.KeyReturn { if len(globalmaingui.srchBox.Text()) == 0 { return } rows := searchGrep(globalmaingui.srchBox.Text()) if len(rows) == 0 { return } if int(serachIndexCache.showit) == len(serachIndexCache.indexs) { serachIndexCache.showit = 0 } globalmaingui.ipTB.SetCurrentIndex(serachIndexCache.indexs[serachIndexCache.showit]) serachIndexCache.showit++ } }, }, }, }, declarative.GroupBox{ Title: "Scan Result Table", Layout: declarative.Grid{Columns: 1}, Children: []declarative.Widget{ declarative.TableView{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.ipTB, AlternatingRowBG: false, ColumnsOrderable: true, CustomHeaderHeight: 21, CustomRowHeight: 19, Columns: []declarative.TableViewColumn{ {Title: "IP Address", Name: "Cip", Width: 110}, {Title: "Mac Address", Name: "Mac", Width: 110}, {Title: "Latency", Name: "Len", Width: 75}, {Title: "Manufacture", Name: "Ven", Width: 175}, {Title: "Open Ports", Name: "Opt", Width: 175, Format: "%v"}, {Title: "Additional Info", Name: "Inf", Width: 163, Format: "%v"}, }, }, declarative.ProgressBar{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.progsBar, MinValue: 0, MaxValue: 100, ToolTipText: "Progress Bar", MaxSize: declarative.Size{Height: 19}, Visible: false, }, declarative.LineEdit{ AssignTo: &globalmaingui.statShowBox, Visible: false, ReadOnly: true, }, }, }, }, }.Create() defaultStyle := win.GetWindowLong(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Handle(), win.GWL_STYLE) newStyle := defaultStyle &^ win.WS_THICKFRAME win.SetWindowLong(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Handle(), win.GWL_STYLE, newStyle) xScreen := win.GetSystemMetrics(win.SM_CXSCREEN) yScreen := win.GetSystemMetrics(win.SM_CYSCREEN) win.SetWindowPos( globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Handle(), 0, (xScreen-mwsizew)/2, (yScreen-mwsizeh)/2, mwsizew, mwsizeh, win.SWP_FRAMECHANGED, ) win.ShowWindow(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Handle(), win.SW_SHOW) contextMenu, _ := walk.NewMenu() globalmaingui.ipTB.AddDisposable(contextMenu) pingAction := walk.NewAction() pingAction.SetText("Ping Address") pingAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("shell32", 167, 16)) pingAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } if exeErr := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "start", "ping", mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip, "-t").Start(); exeErr != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Internal System Err", fmt.Sprintf("%v", exeErr), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(pingAction) mstscAction := walk.NewAction() mstscAction.SetText("Remote Desktop") mstscAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("mstscax", 0, 16)) mstscAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } if exeErr := exec.Command("mstsc", "/v", mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip).Start(); exeErr != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Internal System Err", fmt.Sprintf("%v", exeErr), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(mstscAction) browseAction := walk.NewAction() browseAction.SetText("Open in Browser") browseAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("shell32", 242, 16)) browseAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } win.ShellExecute(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Handle(), nil, windows.StringToUTF16Ptr("http://"+mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip), nil, nil, win.SW_SHOWNORMAL) }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(browseAction) // traceAction := walk.NewAction() traceAction.SetText("Trace Address") traceAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("shell32", 18, 16)) traceAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } if exeErr := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", "start", "tracert", mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip).Start(); exeErr != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Internal System Err", fmt.Sprintf("%v", exeErr), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(traceAction) ftpAction := walk.NewAction() ftpAction.SetText("FTP File Share") ftpAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("shell32", 164, 16)) ftpAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } if exeErr := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", `%windir%\explorer`, "ftp://"+mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip).Start(); exeErr != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Internal System Err", fmt.Sprintf("%v", exeErr), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(ftpAction) smbAction := walk.NewAction() smbAction.SetText("SMB File Share") smbAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("imageres", 137, 16)) smbAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } if exeErr := exec.Command("cmd", "/c", `%windir%\explorer`, `\\`+mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip+`\`).Start(); exeErr != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Internal System Err", fmt.Sprintf("%v", exeErr), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(smbAction) sshdAction := walk.NewAction() sshdAction.SetText("Remote SSH") sshdAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("shell32", 24, 16)) sshdAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } startSSHsession(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip) }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(sshdAction) mapAction := walk.NewAction() mapAction.SetText("Run Port Mapper") mapAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("shell32", 22, 16)) mapAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } if !globalmaingui.mapperAC.Enabled() { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } runMapperDlg(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip) }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(mapAction) wakeAction := walk.NewAction() wakeAction.SetText("Wake On LAN") wakeAction.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("imageres", 96, 16)) wakeAction.Triggered().Attach(func() { if globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex() < 0 { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Scan Is Runing", "ip scan is runing right now, please try this when scan is finished", walk.MsgBoxIconInformation) return } runWakeOnLanDg(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Cip, mdata.items[globalmaingui.ipTB.CurrentIndex()].Mac) }) contextMenu.Actions().Add(wakeAction) globalmaingui.ipTB.SetContextMenu(contextMenu) globalmaingui.ipTB.SetGridlines(true) globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI.Run() } func fancyiprange(str []string) (nets string) { for _, j := range str { nets = fmt.Sprint(nets + j + ",") } if len(nets) > 0 { nets = nets[:len(nets)-1] } return nets } func (p *SerIPscan) winscream() { slclockmres := sync.Mutex{} dummg := sync.WaitGroup{} semap := scream.NewWeighted(int64(p.GreenThreads)) defer func() { // Pack it up boys... we're done here dummg.Wait() globalmaingui.pushBTS.SetText(" Start Scan") globalmaingui.pushBTS.SetImage(loadSystemIcon("shell32", 137, 22)) globalmaingui.pushPause.SetText(" Pause Scan") globalmaingui.pushBTS.SetEnabled(true) globalmaingui.pushDadd.SetEnabled(true) globalmaingui.pushSet.SetEnabled(true) globalmaingui.pushPause.SetEnabled(false) globalmaingui.lineEdite.SetReadOnly(false) globalmaingui.progsBar.SetVisible(false) globalmaingui.statShowBox.SetVisible(false) globalmaingui.saveCSV.SetEnabled(true) globalmaingui.saveTXT.SetEnabled(true) globalmaingui.mapperAC.SetEnabled(true) globalmaingui.srchBox.SetReadOnly(false) globalmaingui.srchBox.SetText("") globalmaingui.stSp, globalmaingui.pScan = false, false imdone <- 1 }() startDomino := func(ipn string) { defer semap.Release(1) defer dummg.Done() ip := net.ParseIP(ipn).To4() fmc, err := scream.SendARP(ip) if err == nil { m := &HostStruct{Cip: ipn, Mac: fmc.String()} iden, isthere := macven[strings.ToUpper(strings.Replace(fmc.String(), ":", "", -1)[0:6])] if !p.NetBs { m.Ven = "[N/A]" } else if isthere { m.Ven = iden } else { m.Ven = "Unknow Manufacture" } if p.PscanTOF { for _, i := range scream.StartPscan(ipn, time.Duration(1*time.Second), 3, p.Pscan1, p.Pscan2, p.Pscan3, p.Pscan4, p.Pscan5) { if i.Stat == "open" { m.Opt += fmt.Sprintf("%v %v ", i.Number, strings.ToUpper(i.Ptype)) if websig, err := scream.DetectWeb(ipn, i.Number); err == nil { m.Inf += fmt.Sprintf("%v (http --> %v) ", i.Number, websig) } } } } if len(m.Opt) == 0 { m.Opt = "[N/A]" } if len(m.Inf) == 0 { m.Inf = "[N/A]" } if p.Pong { _, reptime, err := scream.PingHost(ipn, p.Ptime) if err != nil { m.Let = "TimeOut" } else { m.Let = reptime.String() } } else { m.Let = "[N/A]" } slclockmres.Lock() mdata.items = append(mdata.items, m) exdata = append(exdata, []string{m.Cip, m.Mac, m.Let, m.Ven, m.Opt, m.Inf}) mdata.PublishRowsReset() globalmaingui.ipTB.EnsureItemVisible(len(mdata.items) - 1) slclockmres.Unlock() } imdone <- 0 } for _, iprange := range p.SysIPrange { hosts, _ := scream.GetHosts(iprange) for _, i := range hosts { if signal, _ := semap.AcquireSnix(context.TODO(), 1); signal != 0 { // oops! return } dummg.Add(1) go startDomino(i) } dummg.Wait() } } func scanstat(allranges []string) { var tasks, jobdn int for _, iprange := range allranges { hosts, _ := scream.GetHosts(iprange) tasks += len(hosts) } for { if cc, _ := <-imdone; cc == 0 { jobdn++ prcstatus := 100 - (float64(tasks-jobdn)/float64(tasks))*float64(100) globalmaingui.progsBar.SetValue(int(prcstatus)) globalmaingui.statShowBox.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Progress: %.2f%%\t\tTotal: %v\t\tChecked: %v\t\tAlive: %v", prcstatus, tasks, jobdn, len(mdata.items))) } else { globalmaingui.progsBar.SetValue(0) globalmaingui.statShowBox.SetText("Progress: 0\t\tTotal: 0\t\tChecked: 0\t\tAlive: 0") return } } } // Items method returns Hosts data func (m *VModel) Items() interface{} { return m.items } // RowCount func for print out new stuff func (m *VModel) RowCount() int { return len(m.items) } // Checked func used for select row in tableview func (m *VModel) Checked(row int) bool { return m.items[row].checked } // Value func used for table indexing func (m *VModel) Value(row, col int) interface{} { item := m.items[row] switch col { case 1: return item.Mac case 0: return item.Cip case 4: return item.Opt case 3: return item.Ven case 2: return item.Let case 5: return item.Inf } panic("Internal error: tableView Value func (unexpected column)") } // Sort is used for sorting data in table func (m *VModel) Sort(col int, order walk.SortOrder) error { m.sortColumn, m.sortOrder = col, order sort.SliceStable(m.items, func(i, j int) bool { a, b := m.items[i], m.items[j] c := func(ls bool) bool { if m.sortOrder == walk.SortAscending { return ls } return !ls } switch m.sortColumn { case 0: return c(bytes.Compare(net.ParseIP(a.Cip), net.ParseIP(b.Cip)) < 0) case 1: maca, _ := net.ParseMAC(a.Mac) macb, _ := net.ParseMAC(b.Mac) return c(bytes.Compare(maca, macb) < 0) case 2: milet, _ := time.ParseDuration(a.Let) mxlet, _ := time.ParseDuration(b.Let) return c(milet < mxlet) case 3: return c(a.Ven < b.Ven) case 4: return c(a.Opt < b.Opt) case 5: return c(a.Inf < b.Inf) } panic("Internal error: Sort func in tableview") }) return m.SorterBase.Sort(col, order) } func createosfile(filePath string) (*os.File, error) { file, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_EXCL, 0600) if err != nil { if os.IsExist(err) { if walk.DlgCmdNo == walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "Writing file failed", fmt.Sprintf("file ā€˜%sā€™ \nalready exists, do you want to overwrite it?", filePath), walk.MsgBoxYesNo|walk.MsgBoxDefButton2|walk.MsgBoxIconWarning) { return nil, nil } } } file, err = os.Create(filePath) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v", err) } return file, nil } func saveInCSV(file *os.File, ferr error) { if file == nil && ferr == nil { return } else if ferr != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "OS file error", fmt.Sprint(ferr), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } else if file == nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "OS file error", "null file passed, can not access the file", walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } w := csv.NewWriter(file) for _, record := range exdata { if err := w.Write(record); err != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "OS file error", fmt.Sprint(err), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } } w.Flush() if err := w.Error(); err != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "OS file error", fmt.Sprint(err), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } } func saveInTXT(file *os.File, ferr error) { if file == nil && ferr == nil { return } else if ferr != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "OS file error", fmt.Sprint(ferr), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } else if file == nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "OS file error", "null file passed, can not access the file", walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } for _, record := range exdata { for _, clumn := range record { if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(file, "%v\t", clumn); err != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "OS file error", fmt.Sprint(err), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } } if _, err := fmt.Fprint(file, "\n"); err != nil { walk.MsgBox(globalmaingui.mainwindowsUI, "OS file error", fmt.Sprint(err), walk.MsgBoxIconError) return } } } func runAboutDialog(form walk.Form) { lgg := walk.NewVBoxLayout() lgg.SetMargins(walk.Margins{HNear: 80, VNear: 20, HFar: 80, VFar: 20}) lgg.SetSpacing(10) showingAboutDialog, err := walk.NewDialogWithFixedSize(form) if err != nil { return } defer func() { showingAboutDialog = nil }() showingAboutDialog.SetTitle("About GIPS") showingAboutDialog.SetLayout(lgg) gipsLbl, err := walk.NewTextLabel(showingAboutDialog) if err != nil { return } blFont, _ := walk.NewFont("Segoe UI", 16, walk.FontBold) gipsLbl.SetFont(blFont) gipsLbl.SetTextAlignment(walk.AlignHCenterVNear) gipsLbl.SetText("Gopher IP Scan") addinfo, err := walk.NewTextLabel(showingAboutDialog) if err != nil { return } addinfo.SetTextAlignment(walk.AlignHCenterVNear) addinfo.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("Gopher Version: 0.0.2-alpha\nGolang Version: %s\nOperating system: %s\nArchitecture: %s", strings.TrimPrefix(runtime.Version(), "go"), opRuningInfo(), runtime.GOARCH)) copyrightLbl, err := walk.NewTextLabel(showingAboutDialog) if err != nil { return } copyrightFont, _ := walk.NewFont("Segoe UI", 8, 0) copyrightLbl.SetFont(copyrightFont) copyrightLbl.SetTextAlignment(walk.AlignHCenterVNear) copyrightLbl.SetText(fmt.Sprint("Copyright (c) 2020, All rights reserved. \nDeveloped BY (\nThis work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.")) showingAboutDialog.Run() } func opRuningInfo() string { win32sysInfo := windows.RtlGetVersion() var winSysType string switch win32sysInfo.ProductType { case 3: winSysType = " Server" case 2: winSysType = " Controller" } return fmt.Sprintf("Windows%s %d.%d.%d", winSysType, win32sysInfo.MajorVersion, win32sysInfo.MinorVersion, win32sysInfo.BuildNumber) } func loadSystemIcon(dll string, index int32, size int) (icon *walk.Icon) { icon = cachedSystemIconsForWidthAndDllIdx[widthAndDllIdx{size, index, dll}] if icon != nil { return } icon, err := walk.NewIconFromSysDLLWithSize(dll, int(index), size) if err == nil { cachedSystemIconsForWidthAndDllIdx[widthAndDllIdx{size, index, dll}] = icon } else { // if icon can not be loaded imgByte, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString("iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAAvklEQVQ4T62TjQrCMAyEnf+i7/+ksg1lar6Qk1g2tsoKoaXNXe7atNmMj61tE00cv20eLJh/hhK0CehosQ9wJngFycNm1j4yAeBLUbksiALArdSIAPBtws7YNnY6yERwDulLOVDytOghkPTdUnTkoaKF4BTVywud40NFB4iLO8xlT5y7hVr/mcsVQICCfyy4Ai5P71/jxPthlWekKiquFeWpTiMN2XcNyZ0upOCqnyk7QA0/ki6lYdS631+o5A/m1C0o1nAPtQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==") imgEmrg, _ := png.Decode(bytes.NewReader(imgByte)) icon, _ := walk.NewIconFromImage(imgEmrg) return icon } return } func searchGrep(pattern string) []int { if pattern == { return serachIndexCache.indexs } serachIndexCache = serachIndexCacheType{} = pattern for row := 0; row < globalmaingui.ipTB.TableModel().RowCount(); row++ { found: for clm := 0; clm <= 5; clm++ { line := fmt.Sprint(globalmaingui.ipTB.TableModel().Value(row, clm)) if bytes.Contains([]byte(line), []byte(pattern)) { serachIndexCache.indexs = append(serachIndexCache.indexs, row) continue found } } } return serachIndexCache.indexs }