package rabaead import ( "crypto/cipher" "errors" "" "" "" ) const polykeylen = 0x20 // poly1305 key len: 32byte var ErrAuthMsg = errors.New("rabaead: message authentication failed") type rabbitPoly1305 struct { key []byte // rabbit cipher key noncesize int // rabbit iv size } // NewAEAD returns a rabbit aead data-type // key must be 16 byte len func NewAEAD(key []byte) (cipher.AEAD, error) { return newRabbitAead(key) } func newRabbitAead(key []byte) (cipher.AEAD, error) { if len(key) != rabbitio.KeyLen { return nil, rabbitio.ErrInvalidKey } rabbitAead := &rabbitPoly1305{ noncesize: rabbitio.IVXLen, key: make([]byte, rabbitio.KeyLen), } copy(rabbitAead.key, key) return rabbitAead, nil } // Overhead returns poly1305 tag size: 16byte func (c *rabbitPoly1305) Overhead() int { return poly1305.TagSize } // NonceSize returns rabbit iv len: 8byte func (c *rabbitPoly1305) NonceSize() int { return c.noncesize } func (c *rabbitPoly1305) sealRabbit(dst, nonce, plaintext, ad []byte) []byte { ret, out := headtail(dst, len(plaintext)+poly1305.TagSize) ciphertext, tag := out[:len(plaintext)], out[len(plaintext):] if subtle.InexactOverlap(out, plaintext) { panic("rabaead: invalid buffer memory overlap") } var polyKey [polykeylen]byte s, err := rabbitio.NewCipher(c.key, nonce) if err != nil { panic(err) } s.XORKeyStream(polyKey[:], polyKey[:]) p := poly1305.New(&polyKey) writePadding(p, ad) s, err = rabbitio.NewCipher(c.key, nonce) if err != nil { panic(err) } s.XORKeyStream(ciphertext, plaintext) writePadding(p, ciphertext) writeUint64(p, len(ad)) writeUint64(p, len(plaintext)) p.Sum(tag[:0x00]) return ret } func (c *rabbitPoly1305) openRabbit(dst, nonce, ciphertext, ad []byte) ([]byte, error) { tag := ciphertext[len(ciphertext)-poly1305.TagSize:] ciphertext = ciphertext[:len(ciphertext)-poly1305.TagSize] var polyKey [polykeylen]byte s, err := rabbitio.NewCipher(c.key, nonce) if err != nil { panic(err) } s.XORKeyStream(polyKey[:], polyKey[:]) p := poly1305.New(&polyKey) writePadding(p, ad) writePadding(p, ciphertext) writeUint64(p, len(ad)) writeUint64(p, len(ciphertext)) ret, out := headtail(dst, len(ciphertext)) if subtle.InexactOverlap(out, ciphertext) { panic("rabaead: invalid buffer memory overlap") } // check data integrity if !p.Verify(tag) { return nil, ErrAuthMsg } s, err = rabbitio.NewCipher(c.key, nonce) if err != nil { panic(err) } s.XORKeyStream(out, ciphertext) return ret, nil } // Open opens a rabbit aead ciphertext. // panic occurs if nonce len is not equal to IVXLen (8byte) or zero // if data is not verified, ErrAuthMsg will be returned func (c *rabbitPoly1305) Open(dst, nonce, ciphertext, ad []byte) ([]byte, error) { if len(ciphertext) < poly1305.TagSize { return nil, ErrAuthMsg } if uint64(len(ciphertext)) > (1<<38)-48 { panic("rabaead: ciphertext too large") } return c.openRabbit(dst, nonce, ciphertext, ad) } // Seal seals a plaintext into the rabbit aead ciphertext. // panic occurs if nonce len is not equal to IVXLen (8byte) or zero func (c *rabbitPoly1305) Seal(dst, nonce, plaintext, ad []byte) []byte { if uint64(len(plaintext)) > (1<<38)-64 { panic("rabaead: plaintext too large") } return c.sealRabbit(dst, nonce, plaintext, ad) }