# Nano NTP An NTP server implementation in golang base on [btfak](https://github.com/btfak/sntp) and [beevik](https://github.com/beevik/ntp) This NTP Server first acts like a ntp relay and ask time from upstream NTP servers, if relay can't reach them, then will pass it's own local time to the clients ### Installation Installation for linux, runing only on linux. ([TinyCore Linux 32-bit](http://tinycorelinux.net/11.x/x86/release) Is Recommended) ``` # go get https://github.com/sina-ghaderi/nanontp.git # cd nanontp # GOOS=linux go build -o ntp-amd64 # 64-Bit Build # GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go build -o ntp-i386 # 32-Bit Build ``` ### Usage and Options ``` usage of snix ntp server: ./ntp-server -net [ipv4:port] ntp-domain.com:port ntp-domain.org:port ... options: --net string udp network to listen on (default "") --h print this banner and exit example: ./nanontp --net time.google.com:123 ntp.day.ir:123 Copyright (c) 2020 slc.snix.ir, All rights reserved. Developed BY a.esmaeilpour@irisaco.com And s.ghaderi1999@gmail.com This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. ``` ### Runing Nano NTP ``` # ./ntp-amd64 -net ntp.day.ir:123 2020/08/21 20:41:31 ntp server listening on (UDP) ------------------ Logs and Errors ------------------ 2020/08/21 20:44:20 request ---> asking for time from 2020/08/21 20:44:20 access ----> trying to ntp server: ntp.day.ir:123 2020/08/21 20:44:21 success ---> time received from: ntp.day.ir:123 2020/08/21 20:44:21 response --> answering to the client ```