# Go IPFM Go-ipfm (IP Flow Meter) is an standalone bandwidth analysis tool written in [Golang](https://golang.org). (no need to libpcap) Core features: Measure download and upload usage per ip Save data to SQL database and text file No dependence on libpcap Runing on Linux and Unix based systems ### Installation Prerequisites: [Golang](https://golang.org) + [Git](https://git-scm.com) Installing for linux - freebsd and macos. (linux is recommended) Clone the code form [Github](https://github.com/sina-ghaderi/go-ipfm) or [Snix](https://slc.snix.ir) servers. ``` # git clone https://slc.snix.ir/snix/go-ipfm.git # Snix # git clone https://github.com/Sina-Ghaderi/go-ipfm.git # Github # cd go-ipfm # go get -v # go build # ./go-ipfm -inf eth0 -net -svd database.db -ttf 5 -txt filename.txt starting go-ipfm on eth0 interface, network, database database.db ... ``` ### Usage and Options ``` #./go-ipfm -h Usage of ./go-ipfm: -hbm string show (in txt file) data usage in (default "MB") -inf string network interface to capture on (default "lo") -net string network to capture on (default "") -srf string sort data in txt file based on (default "descending") -srt string sort data in txt file based on (default "RX") -svd string database to save data (default "ipfm.db") -ttf string time in second to flush data into the database (default "3") -txt string also save data to file (default "false") ``` ### Examples So im runing go-ipfm on KVM host to measure vm's bandwidth usage ``` # ./go-ipfm -inf virbr0 -net -txt data.txt starting go-ipfm on virbr0 interface, network, database ipfm.db ... ``` Open data.txt file by using `watch` and `cat` command in linux: ``` # watch cat data.txt Go-IPFM 0.34 - Capturing Data On virbr0 - Time: 2020-08-12 03:04:32 Source-IPV4-Add RX(MB) TX(MB) 30.844 86.812 1.891 1.939 0.000 22.320 ``` ### Support and Social Media So if you interested to learn [Golang](https://golang.org) follow my [Instagram Account](https://instagram.com/Gonoobies), Thanks.