package main import ( "config" "datax" "flag" "fmt" "os" "runtime" "syscon" "syslog" "time" ) func main() { if runtime.GOOS != "linux" { fmt.Println("this application is supposed to run on linux, there is nothing to do in here... \nexiting with status 0") return } defer syslog.HandlePan() fixDaemon := flag.NewFlagSet("daemon", flag.ExitOnError) confPath := fixDaemon.String("config", "fixrate.conf", "gnu config file for fixrate service") fixDaemon.Usage = fixRateUsage fixUser := flag.NewFlagSet("users", flag.ExitOnError) fixUser.Usage = addUserUsage confPathforUser := fixUser.String("config", "fixrate.conf", "gnu config file for fixrate service") userName := fixUser.String("username", "", "a username to add/modify in database") userRate := fixUser.Int("userrate", 10, "how many e-mails user should be able to send") userReset := fixUser.Int("counter", 120, "time interval between user counter reset") flag.Usage = globUsage if len(os.Args) < 2 { fmt.Println("expected 'daemon' or 'users' commands") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } switch os.Args[1] { case "daemon": fixDaemon.Parse(os.Args[2:]) conf := config.ReadConfigFromFile(*confPath) syscon.StartNewService(conf) case "users": fixUser.Parse(os.Args[2:]) if len(os.Args[2:]) == 0 { fmt.Println("expect more options -- use --h for information") fixUser.Usage() os.Exit(1) } conf := config.ReadConfigFromFile(*confPathforUser) if err := datax.SQLInit(conf); err != nil { panic(syslog.BigError{Why: err, Cod: 1}) } defer datax.DBClose() temp := &datax.UserAccount{ Username: *userName, UserType: true, LastReset: time.Now(), Limit: *userRate, Reset: *userReset, } if err := datax.CreateNewUser(temp); err != nil { panic(syslog.BigError{Why: err, Cod: 1}) } fmt.Printf("\033[32minfo:\033[0m username: %v with %v e-mails per %v seconds added to database.\n", *userName, *userRate, *userReset) default: fmt.Println("expected 'daemon' or 'users' commands") flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } } func globUsage() { fmt.Printf(`usage of fixrate postfix module LLC: %v commands... [ OPTIONS ] ... commands: daemon starting fixrate daemon, should be used by systemd --config pass a file to read configuration from. default: ./fixrate.conf users add or modify users and attributes in database --config pass a file to read configuration from. default: ./fixrate.conf --username a username to add/modify in database. default is --counter time interval (seconds) between user counter reset. default is 120 --userrate how many e-mails user should be able to send. default is 10 example: ---- adding ---- 100 e-mail per 10 minutes: %v users --username -- userrate 100 --counter 600 Copyright (c) 2021, All rights reserved. Developed BY --> Sina Ghaderi This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. `, os.Args[0], os.Args[0]) } func fixRateUsage() { fmt.Printf(`usage of fixrate postfix module LLC: %v daemon [ OPTIONS ] ... options: --config pass a file to read configuration from. default: ./fixrate.conf --h print this banner and exit. Copyright (c) 2021, All rights reserved. Developed BY --> Sina Ghaderi This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. `, os.Args[0]) } func addUserUsage() { fmt.Printf(`usage of fixrate postfix module LLC: %v users [ OPTIONS ] ... options: --config pass a file to read configuration from. default: ./fixrate.conf --username a username to add/modify in database. default is --counter time interval (seconds) between user counter reset. default is 120 --userrate how many e-mails user should be able to send. default is 10 example: ---- adding ---- 100 e-mail per 10 minutes: %v users --username -- userrate 100 --counter 600 Copyright (c) 2021, All rights reserved. Developed BY --> Sina Ghaderi This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. `, os.Args[0], os.Args[0]) }