### Copyright (c) 2021 git.snix.ir, All rights reserved. ### Developed BY sina@snix.ir --> Sina Ghaderi ### This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. ### GitHub == Github.com/Sina-Ghaderi -------- ## Mysql(or mariaDB) database to use sql_database = postfix ## sql connection port number sql_tcpport = 3306 ## sql username to connect database sql_username = postfix ## sql password to connect database sql_password = Pass1234 ## sql server address .... sql_address = ## Default rate limit plan for users that not exists in database yet. ## first parameter is number of emails and the next one is time interval (Seconds) between user counter reset ## following parameters determine that users only can send 10 e-mails per 120 seconds ## note that if you change specific user by fixrate users command, this not effect that user anymore. default_ratelimit = 10 120 ## fixrate listening mode can be only unix or inet, if you want to connect this service over TCP protocol ## should use inet, for using unix socket files should unix be used. listener_type = unix ## config for unix listener type, ignored if use inet ## note that for some reasons postfix root path is under /var/spool/postfix/ directory, ## if you specify check_policy_service unix:/fixrate/fixrate.sock in main.cf file, postfix only looking ## for socket file /fix/fixrate.sock under /var/spool/postfix/ directory. ## so socket file should be under /var/spool/postfix/ ## REMEMBER to mkdir directory /var/spool/postfix/fix/ first socket_path = /var/spool/postfix/fix/fixrate.sock ## socket file should be read and writable by both fixrate and postfix services. socket_perm = 666 ## config for inet listener type ignored if use unix listen_addr =