package main import ( "brline/lines" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" ) const imagesize = 0x1f4 func main() { log.SetFlags(0) flag.Usage = flagUsage xa := flag.Int("xa", 0, "x coordinate of point a") ya := flag.Int("ya", 0, "y coordinate of point a") xb := flag.Int("xb", 0, "x coordinate of point b") yb := flag.Int("yb", 0, "y coordinate of point b") ot := flag.String("pt", "br_resualt.png", "output png file to save results") flag.Parse() if *xa < 0 || *xa > 19 || *xb < 0 || *xb > 19 || *ya < 0 || *ya > 19 || *yb < 0 || *yb > 19 { log.Fatalf("fatal error: %v", "bad input, please use coordinates 0 upto 19") } img, err := lines.NewBreLine(imagesize, *ot) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("fatal error: %v", err) } img.DrawMesh() img.BresenhamLine(*xa, *ya, *xb, *yb) if err := img.WriteToFile(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("fatal error: %v", err) } } func flagUsage() { fmt.Printf(`usage of bresenham line simulator: %v options... options: --pt named png file to save bresenham output default path for this file is br_resualt.png --xa x coordinate of starting point --xb x coordinate of ending point --ya y coordinate of starting point --yb y coordinate of ending point example: %v --pt mytest.png --xa 8 --ya 3 --xb 2 --yb 10 Copyright (c) 2022, All rights reserved. Developed BY This work is licensed under the terms of GNU General Public license. Github: and Source: `, os.Args[0], os.Args[0]) }